
Showing posts from June, 2015


(一) 當有人稱我為他們的好朋友時,我始終忍不住慌張了起來。 習慣了失去,使我膽怯再次擁有,但,我依然會好好珍惜這份友情。 謝謝你們的存在。


(一) 夜幕降臨了,你又胡思亂想起來了吧? 那一刻時,請你相信那一切都只不過是虛假的幻覺罷了。

Random #1

I thought about it over and over, should i continue, stop or start over, and I'm still clueless about it. I do really want to give up writing because I thought I will becoming more sad when I look back at what I wrote before, but that's not the way.